Technical Training: IT

About the course

The Technical Training: IT course is designed to provide foundational knowledge and hands-on skills essential for a career in Information Technology. This course covers a broad spectrum of IT disciplines including networking, security, operating systems, hardware, and software management. It is ideal for beginners seeking to start their journey in the IT field as well as professionals looking to refresh their skills

Course Objective

  • Understanding IT Infrastructure and Networking: Gain a comprehensive understanding of IT infrastructure components and networking fundamentals, learning about network topologies, protocols, and services, and how to configure and manage network devices such as routers and switches.

  • Managing Operating Systems: Master the skills to install, configure, and manage various operating systems, including Windows and Linux, perform routine maintenance tasks like updates, backups, and user management, and troubleshoot common operating system issues.

  • Implementing Cybersecurity Measures: Understand the principles of cybersecurity and implement basic security measures to protect networks and systems, using tools and techniques to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities.

  • Developing Hardware and Software Troubleshooting Skills: Develop the ability to identify and troubleshoot common hardware issues, perform diagnostics and repairs on computer systems, and install, configure, and troubleshoot various software applications.

  • Applying Basic Programming and Scripting: Learn the fundamentals of programming languages, such as Python, to write simple scripts that automate routine tasks and understand the role of scripting in system administration and automation.

  • Utilizing IT Service Management Practices: Understand the principles of IT service management (ITSM) and frameworks like ITIL, apply best practices for managing IT services and improving service delivery, and efficiently handle IT service requests, incidents, and changes.

Course Schedule

Course Schedule

No. Course Title Duration Schedule
1 Certified Cyber-Security Specialist 5 Days 30 Sep - 4 Oct 2024
1 Certified ChatGPT Prompt Specialist 3 Days 19 - 21 August 2024